The parties reached a settlement the day before trial. 在开庭前一天,双方当事人达成和解协议。
If the circumstances are special, a settlement member may notify the exchange in writing within two hours after the opening of the next trading day. 情况特殊的,结算会员可以在下一交易日开市后2小时内以书面形式通知交易所。
Intra-day settlement: Trading settlement within less than one day. 同日结算:在一日之内交易结算完毕。
If the contract is a newly listed contract, the basic price for listing thereof is the settlement price of that day. 合约为新上市合约的,取其挂盘基准价为上一交易日结算价。
If no mutually acceptable settlement of a dispute is made within the sixty ( 60) day period, the dispute shall be submitted for, and be decided finally by, arbitration. 若在六十(60)天内未达成双方都接受的纠纷解决方案,应将该纠纷提交仲裁并由其最终裁决。
They must, however, ensure that they have the necessary Hong Kong dollars in their clearing accounts on settlement day to effect settlement. 不过,持牌银行必须确保它们的结算户口在结算日当天有足够港元进行结算。
If the settlement price of that day calculated according to the computation formula exceeds the price limit of the contract, the price limit shall be the settlement price of that day. 根据本公式计算出的当日结算价超出合约涨跌停板价格的,取涨跌停板价格作为当日结算价。
To meet international standards and minimise settlement risks, Hong Kong is moving towards a real time gross settlement RTGS system from the existing next day net settlement system. 为了符合国际标准及尽量减低结算风险,香港正从现行的翌日净额结算系统,迈向即时支付结算系统。
The IBTS performance and settlement date is the third business day after the transaction date. 本系统之给付结算日为成交日之次三营业日。
The cash settlement price referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the next day's per-hundred reference price for bonds of that maturity. 前项现金结算之价格,以该期次债券之次日参考百元价格计算之。
Palestinian militants, disguising as Israeli soldiers, ambushed a bus near a West Bank settlement the day before yesterday, killing eight israelis, including a9-month-old baby. 巴基斯坦武装分子前天乔装成以色列士兵,伏击约旦河西岸犹太屯垦区附近的一辆巴士,造成包括一名九个月大婴儿在内的八名以色列人丧生。
With the basic settlement of the adequate food and clothing, the demand for the agricultural product of the society turns to the diversification and high quality day by day. 随着温饱问题的基本解决,社会对农产品的需求日益转向多样化、优质化。
In the stock market, underpricing means the price of IPO ( initial public offering) is extremely lower than the settlement in the first day of transaction; the investors can gain excessive initial profit through the price gaps between the primary market and the parallel market. 新股抑价是指首次公开发行(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO股票)价格明显低于新股上市首日的收盘价格,投资者可以通过一二级市场上的价差获得高额的初始回报率。
The settlement price is the price of a futures contract traded that day according to volume weighted average price; if the day is non-traded price, the settlement price of previous day will be settlement price of that day. 当日结算价是指某一期货合约当日成交价格按照成交量的加权平均价;当日无成交价格的,以上一交易日的结算价作为当日结算价。
But this does not mean that the Chinese countryside poverty question the thorough settlement, Intergenerational Poverty transmissions tendency is day by day prominent, poverty family several generation of people for a long time fall into poor are unable the white pollution the puzzle. 但这并不意味着中国农村贫困问题的彻底解决,贫困代际传递的趋势日益突出,贫困家庭几代人都长期陷入贫困中无法摆脱贫困的困扰。